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A Belgian Metal Bender: Xavier Lust

By Erica

My design class visited the Ralph Pucci showroom last week to meet Belgian furniture designer, Xavier Lust. He works with sheet metal--aluminum, bronze, brass, steel--but, almost shockingly, does not use a mold. Instead, he bends and shapes his furniture as he goes, his inspiration coming from nature rather than the past. Perhaps that is why his pieces end up with a fluidity and lightness that belies the strength and tension of their material. 

Lust is a minimalist. There are no unnecessary gestures or ornamentation. Everything is pure and reduced to its essence. And, as our professor Daniella Ohad said, minimalist has to be perfect to be good. There is just nowhere to hide. Lust's works, the swerves and curves, are perfect. 

Take a look at his work and enjoy!