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Retailers: You Need Some Advice About How To Sell To Us!

 By Erica and Karen

We, the millions of Boomer women who worked until we retired, are probably the wealthiest cohort in the country. Retailers know that, but they cannot seem to figure out how to reach us. You don't see glamorous women of our vintage buying cars and electronics and apparel and vacations--though the data show that we do. You only see us as needy and vague, in ads that suggest we only buy things to prevent leaks and save us after we fall.

Seems like a missed opportunity. We thought we might offer some help.

First, we want to be seen as we are—looking good. If you want to sell to women like us, show women like us buying. Women of substance, accomplished, energetic, intelligent, enjoying the world and engaged with it. Mentally and physically fit, with lots of life ahead. Well groomed, wearing elegant clothes (with coordinated masks), in places that are interesting or beautiful or both.

Second, explain why we would want what you are selling. How will your product or service make us more attractive, our lives more entertaining, our obligations or needs more manageable? How will your designs make us look cool? Are your cars both sleek and comfortable? Do you you know we will grace your restaurant, order champagne and leave a big tip? Does your personal training company want to take credit for how strong and fit we are?

Third, we are pretty good with electronics. We are also happy to be seen learning from young people. But we don't want to be depicted as ignorant foils for Gen Xers in ads for the newest gadget. We didn't get this far being dense or dumb or ditsy. And we didn't become any of those things after we got here.

Finally, show us as players in a story, like the Jaguar It's Good To Be Bad series. We want to be the villains, because they are funny and cool and get to speed off in the fast car. Putting us in the fast car makes complete sense. Women drivers outnumber men, and women dominate car buying decisions--especially after fifty.

We know you’re worried that if you show us in the car, Millennials might decide the car is not cool. Don’t be. We brought up our children to appreciate real style by showing them how it looks on us. And, partly because of that, many of our children think we are pretty cool, believe it or not.

You can talk us into buying. You just have to show us doing fun, smart things with whatever you are selling.

See? It’s not that hard to reach the biggest market out there.