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Lustre: Ten New Year’s Resolutions.

By Erica and Karen

Do you actually define, and then execute, New Year’s resolutions? We don’t really, but last year we had two–-to update the Lustre website, and to find a virtual administrative assistant. We did both! Fern, our new assistant, is a lifesaver. And we’ll tell you more about our website soon.

Meanwhile, here are ten Lustre goals we plan to aim for, so we’ll call them resolutions for 2023:

  1. Have a Lustre in-person event in Paris.

  2. Meet more cool people to showcase in our events and on the site–including you, our readers.

  3. Make Lustre revenue positive.

  4. Figure out a way to negotiate the rent for our WeWork office from going up.

  5. Get the computer monitor in that office working.

  6. Learn how to use makeup better so the pictures we have taken for Lustre look even more divine.

  7. Travel to some of the places recommended by our readers on the Lustre List.

  8. Connect with designers so we can have more clothes designed for the cool and stylish women we all are.

  9. Get people to stop using words like senior and elderly. Give them demerits on social media.

  10. Have twice as much fun as last year.

What are your resolutions?