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Erica and Karen: Ten Differences.

By Erica and Karen


e are both lawyers, we are both married to men, and we both have delightful children. We are both in our 70s. We both love New York City. We both loved our careers, and we are now both entrepreneurial bloggers, much to our mutual amazement. We are also both remarkably accident prone. But that’s where the similarities end.

Here are some of our differences.

  1. Erica’s family lived for decades in New York City or its suburbs. Karen was a Foreign Service brat who moved countries every few years. Guess which of us is more stable.

  2. Karen does strength training most days. Erica exercises her fingers on alternate Tuesdays.

  3. Erica just refuses to use a password manager, and pines for her Blackberry. (Some of the people reading this probably do not even know what a Blackberry is.) Karen keeps millions of passwords on her manager and would be lost without it.

  4. Karen cooks Downtown. Erica cooks Upper East Side.

  5. Erica likes sparkles on her clothes, but only in the context of beige or buff, in a well tailored and elegant outfit. Think Brunello Cucinelli. Karen likes funky, and shiny, and synthetic, often paired with neon. Think Versace Jeans.

  6. Karen has renounced high heels altogether. Erica remains very competent in very high heels.

  7. Erica likes animals and sappy stuff. Karen thinks both are overrated. Except for dachshunds. And sappy pictures of dachshunds.

  8. Karen likes Miami Beach. Erica likes the Hamptons.

  9. Erica likes White Lotus. Karen is not up to date on popular shows and relies on Erica for advice on the topic.

  10. Karen has spiky white hair. Erica has a medium brown bob. We both color.

We enjoy our differences, and we like to think they give Lustre some of its pizazz. What do you think?