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Ten Joan Pagano Articles About Osteoporosis. Here's The Plan.

By Joan Pagano

Are you worried about osteoporosis? Do you know what it is?

Osteoporosis – which literally means "porous bones" – is a bone-thinning disease caused by a loss of minerals (primarily calcium) that weakens the bone structure. The thinner the bones the more vulnerable to fractures. Some have called osteoporosis a pediatric disease with geriatric consequences, since you build bone early in life and if you don’t you deal with it later.

Bone is living dynamic tissue that is constantly undergoing change, including responding to the stress of exercise by becoming stronger. Resistance is the key factor in both types of exercise that build bone: weight-bearing, high impact aerobic exercise and weight training for osteoporosis.

I have spent decades studying osteoporosis and how to deal with it, and I have spent the last few months coming up with a series of articles and videos to help you think about what to do. Because you CAN do something about osteoporosis. We know now it’s best to start when you are very young, but many women did not have that guidance when they were growing up. So I have written ten new articles, to provide information every woman should know, and videos about how to do the exercises that will help. The articles will appear monthly, starting with two today. Here’s the list:

  1. Introduction

  2. Osteopenia

  3. Osteoporosis exercises to avoid

  4. Exercises for fall prevention

  5. Balance exercises

  6. Exercises to improve posture

  7. Core stability exercises for osteoporosis

  8. Osteoporosis risk factors

  9. Bone density test

  10. Osteoporosis screening

Stay tuned. Talk to your doctor. Start an exercise program. And get stronger!

Disclaimer: The information presented in this article should not be construed as medical advice. It is not intended to replace consultation with your physician or healthcare provider.

Joan is a Health and Fitness Motivational Speaker, International Author, Strength-Training Expert and Healthy Aging Advocate. She has written seven books, including Strength Training Exercises for Women and 8 Weeks To A Younger Body.